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Nachstehend findest Du den Videobeschreibungstext des Videos „The Transaxle Story: Inside Porsche’s Holy Halls (German)“ von „Johannes Schlörb / Fünfkommasechs“:

This is a world’s first: only few camera crews have been inside Porsche’s „Heilige Hallen“ before, and none of them had ever been allowed to move freely amid all those secret historic and future (!) cars. Back in march we had the great honor to do exactly that while shooting an exclusive documentary on Zuffenhausen’s glorious transaxle history. We take you with us into the Porsche archives, the museum, their workshop and the Holy Halls near Stuttgart. This is uncensored footage of gems such as Porsche’s secret Nardo prototype (a prospective Mercedes C111 „killer“) or the mysterious Mercedes 500 E coupé that is not at all what it seems. We even drove a Porsche prototype and a homologation model ourselves and hope you enjoy the first ever fünfkommasechs video that is not solely about Mercedes 🙂

#Porsche #Transaxle #Carporn

Stand: 12.Jul.2016 16:19 Uhr

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