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Nachstehend findest Du den Videobeschreibungstext des Videos „The BM – 100+ Lamborghinis / Crazy Acceleration / Bullfest 2018 | VLOG 114“ von „The BM / Bjoern Marek“:

It’s the fourth time that the „Bullfest“ event brings a lot of cool Lamborghinis to Miami. One of the stops was at Lamborghini Broward. See the hottest rides on the lot and get some crazy acceleration as well. You just want to get Lambo engine sound – simply skip to minute 1:50. https://youtu.be/SLpH9Iy-O5w?t=110

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Music by Corrington Wheeler:
Make sure to check out his website www.corringtonwheeler.com and his other social media channels! Trust me, it’s worth it!

Stand: 28.Feb.2018 16:15 Uhr

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