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Nachstehend findest Du den Videobeschreibungstext des Videos „Our Epic U.S. Roadtrip From Coast To Coast (German/English), #mbc2c Pt. 1“ von „Johannes Schlörb / Fünfkommasechs“:

Crossing the USA from east to west in an (almost) auto-piloted Mercedes E 300 4MATIC has been a dream coming true. After a very long delay here comes our video from this epic adventure! More than 4,000 miles in a very interesting period of time: the days just before and after the presidential election of 2016. No, we won’t bother you with politics, but this video has turned out to be an interesting time capsule from a pivotal moment in recent U.S. history. This is part 1, comprising our journey from Miami via Jacksonville, Pensacola, New Orleans, Houston and Dallas up to Amarillo, Texas.

#mbpassion #mbc2c #eclass

Stand: 27.Feb.2018 18:55 Uhr

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